Tuesday, September 05, 2006

R.I.P. Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day is my least favorite holiday of the year. When I lived in the South, I barely gave the holiday a passing thought, except that it meant college football was starting and baseball was winding down. Now that I am back up North, it conjures images of everything I despise - cold weather, snow, being sick, baseball ending, and the long wait for summer to begin again.
I remember going to Jamaica in October of 2000, getting off the plane in Laguardia only to be greeted by snow flurries. I repeat, in October.
I remember flying home my senior year of college in April for a weekend of interviews, and being snow delayed at the airport.
It really shouldn't snow from October to April...that just seems a little ridiculous.
I can't focus on enjoying Fall, because I know winter is just a step behind. I hate wearing sweaters, shoes, and coats. I hate when daylight seems shorter than nighttime. I hate scraping ice off my car windows, and shoveling my car out of parking spaces.
Everyone keeps commenting "It's going to be a bad winter" and all I can do is cringe.
Once Labor Day comes, it's only a matter of time before the countdown to summer starts again.

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