Friday, April 21, 2006

Of insomnia and dreams

"The things that I can't say are all thinking me insane these days"
-"Lucky Charm"
Jets to Brazil

I have had insomnia on and off for the past year or so. When I try to go to sleep, my mind races through everything that is happening in my life, making it impossible for me to fall asleep.
Last night, I had a pretty decent night's sleep, however, it was accompanied by some of the most random and strange dreams I have ever had.
This morning I recalled the following five dreams - as far as I know, they were not connected...
- I was babysitting for Angelina Jolie's son, Maddox. We were reading books together.
- I was in Circuit City at the same time as a theft ring. Five guys were stealing CDs and then hurling them at security like Chinese stars while being apprehended.
- I saw His instant message log in live time. He was IMing The Girl From Baltimore, telling her that he was coming to stay with her, that she was pretty, but that he had to come to NY to tell me, first.
- I was enrolled in school and realized at year's end, that I had forgotten to attend a history class all year. I wanted to see what I had to do to not fail, so I consulted the syllabus. I remember it said that I had missed many random assignments, and that the tests were only worth 2.5% of my grade.
- I was in school and someone was investigating a random odor in the lockers, but I noticed people were keeping pets in their lockers, like cats and dogs. I commented about this to the person looking at the lockers, and he pointed at another one. When they opened it, a chicken was cooking inside.

So after a nice night's sleep with dreams like those, is insomnia preferable?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I was beginning to feel you were a victim of insomnia-all your entries were at 5AM for crying out loud. Then I posted a comment and realized we are on West coast time....(even though the East coast is best) anyway, with those dreams (that I can relate to) we can cancel our cable and just go to sleep.